Get Good Greetings! - January 3, 2024

(0:04) Get good greetings! (0:07) Get Good Guys, who are they? Get good guide. What is that? Get good gold, where to find it? (0:12) Let's get into that get good groove. All that and a good deal more after this.(0:23) Welcome back all you beautiful people. We're talking get good greetings. As always, I'm Nick. That's Erick. (0:29) We're the Get Good Guys, and this is the Get Good Guide. (0:52) Well, hello there. Hi everybody. Welcome on in. Appreciate you joining us here in the Get Good Grotto.(0:58) Thanks for sticking around through those ads. We're here now talking get good greetings. (1:03) We sure are, and greetings to you my friend. And to you. We are the Get Good Guys. I'm Erick.(1:09) I'm Nick. And we're happy to have you here. We're grateful for your for your taking the time. Indeed. (1:15) Yeah, we're gonna give you a little rundown of (1:17) of the guide itself. Absolutely. What that is of the Get Good Galaxy and a little bit about ourselves. (1:23) Absolutely, we are. The Get Good Guide (1:26) started as a project in January of 2020.Just before the pandemic. Yeah, about three years ago now. Almost four.(1:32) Yeah, four. And (1:33) and we've been working a lot, right? It started off as kind of a personal project. (1:40) When Nick and I realized that we had a number of things in common.(1:44) But the main one was that our hobby seems to be the acquisition of other hobbies. Right. (1:51) And and I think that that's not wildly uncommon.No, especially now. (1:56) Yeah, right this this time and I think even during kind of during that COVID lockdown here in the US (2:02) is when we started this. Absolutely.And when we kind of zoomed out, we started off as just conversations. (2:07) But we kind of zoomed out and said, oh wow, if you look at some of our personal and professional successes or (2:13) things that have made us happy. Right.It's not been the things where we were great. (2:18) Right, where we had pursued excellence as it were in the sort of traditional. Oh, everyone should be great kind of mindset.(2:25) But it was in the places where we had acquired a lot of different or variable skills where we were just good. (2:31) We felt good enough that we could enjoy it and not great enough to where we felt a lot of that pressure. (2:37) Yeah, absolutely.And this is it was what was wild was as we began to examine it. We started to realize (2:42) just how powerful it was, right? The joyfulness. (2:46) Absolutely.The the sort of ability to begin because you didn't have that pressure right of oh, I got to be in the top one or two percent. (2:55) Yeah, so yeah, it was amazing how prevalent it was in our lives and then also in the people that we were talking to. (3:01) We had a couple of testers early on.(3:04) And it's worth noting Nick and I are both professional educators. Indeed in a couple of different venues and (3:09) And we also have (3:13) What what you could define sort of mathematically as a couple of skills that we are great at, right? (3:19) So we we met playing a sort of strategy game, right? (3:23) And we have both at one time or another been the world number one player in that game. (3:28) And it's worth noting that we we tend to define greatness and most people do as the top 1%.Right, right. (3:35) Kind of in keeping with that 1% another area where Nick and I have (3:39) Likely achieved that top 1 or maybe 2% (3:42) We were both college athletes. Indeed.Now, I would not define myself as great amongst the (3:49) Athletes in college, right? I was I was you know, I had a couple of championships, but not you know (3:54) Not contributing in such a way. I was not like a you know, world-class (3:57) Olympian not neither of us were right neither of us were (4:00) But defined against the sort of population set. Correct.Absolutely. Yeah, how many college athletes? (4:07) Compared to the population right and in looking at those couple of skills and a couple of other skills where we have, you know (4:14) These like very high levels of achievement. We realized oh, this is interesting.We're not gaining a lot from this (4:20) People right? We don't feel joyful in these practices. We feel a great deal of pressure (4:27) You know, we had to be pushed rather than sort of being intrinsically motivated (4:31) And and that was that kind of drove us into a really close examination that became ultimately the get-good-guide (4:39) Yeah, and this this lack of joy was I think maybe the biggest contributor, right? (4:43) I think we both feel pretty okay with pushing ourselves, you know at any given time (4:49) But finding out that we're not joyful with many of these activities (4:54) Or or skills or what at what have you? (4:58) Was a little bit of a surprise to myself, right? (5:01) I think it was we talked about this later kind of telling myself this story that I was having a great time (5:06) I was enjoying myself right and then when we took a step back and examined it we found out that that wasn't wholly true (5:13) Yeah, yeah, you sort of go. I have to be having a good time because look how much time and effort and resources (5:18) You know, I'm winning.I must be this must be fun, right? (5:21) Look, I have a trophy. Surely. I'm awesome.I'm doing a great job, right? (5:24) Yeah, so so that was that was surprising for us both I think yeah when we when we dug into the guy (5:31) we started in the research and we you know, it's (5:34) maybe we'll post pictures of the work table at some point, but (5:37) There was a lot that went into even just those initial conversations and a lot of it was trying to figure out why? (5:44) There was there had to be a reason because we were finding a bit of a truth, right? (5:48) There was a bit of a universal here (5:50) And and that's when we kind of stumbled on the Pareto principle this idea that oh wow, there is this pattern that recurs (5:58) Where the first 20% of your effort gets you 80% of your outcome, right? (6:03) Yeah (6:04) and then the converse of that right is (6:06) The last 80% of your your effort is only getting 20% of the outcome, right? (6:11) And that's very very inefficient resource wise whether that be time money (6:17) Any any sort of resource yeah enthusiasm, right? Yeah, and and and (6:22) when you (6:23) Sort of shift your mindset as we have over these last several years and say hey look, it's great to be good, right? (6:31) it's great. It's not just acceptable, but it's actually something you should celebrate because (6:35) Getting good at something means that you've only spent that 20% right stop spending resources (6:42) You've got your 80% outcome move on to another skill move on to something else find a different way to deploy those resources (6:48) Yeah, this this idea we talked about a lot is a greatness in aggregate, right? (6:53) Speaking about how acquiring many skills quickly is often time much more (7:00) efficient and (7:01) Valuable right then being able to do one thing very very well. There is (7:07) An information revolution that's been going on for about 25 years (7:11) Since the since the advent of the search engine really absolutely and now we're seeing the next iteration of that (7:15) Yeah (7:16) And and really the the guide and what what it allows wouldn't have been possible right right in the same way a hundred years ago (7:23) 50 years even 50 years ago (7:24) We're working on here right of of changing this mindset of trying to be great or searching for this excellent (7:30) Fantasy of no one knows exactly what it means exactly right is not really (7:36) Gonna gonna be the way of the future if you will right right well (7:40) And and the root of excellent is Excel right to go past everyone else to be in that top one or two percent (7:46) Well, that means that in any group of hundred people if they're all trying for excellence (7:50) The 98% of them are going to fail at that right and they will all have burned all that (7:55) Resources all those resources all that time and that's a problem, right? (7:59) Yeah, and and we talked about this, you know, very often one of the big things we talked about is the joy of (8:04) Of being able to be good at something and then you get a hundred percent of those people not being joyful, right or (8:12) After enough failures of joyfulness, they just stopped doing it, right? They just kind of get into that quiet desperation (8:18) Yeah, I'm not gonna I'm not good at this anymore, right? Right? I oh, I'm just I'm just not good at that thing, right? (8:24) I'm not cut out for this when that's that's really not the case.Yeah, nothing could be further from the truth (8:30) The get-good galaxy as we talk about it is the sort of large constellation of (8:37) People and things surrounding this thesis and this concept and so it has kind of a center point which is the website (8:44) get good guide and (8:47) And it has of course the the guide itself, which is available for free. You can get that you can download that off the website (8:53) yeah, and (8:54) And then it has this companion podcast absolutely and then we'll have each podcast episode (9:00) We'll have a companion episode on patreon, right? Right (9:05) Slash get good guide. Yeah, and there's a couple different tiers (9:08) You can join there if you want to support the galaxy or if you just want to get a bit more involved (9:12) And so you'll you can you can read all about those tiers (9:15) Just note that the the companion to this episode right will be free.Yeah, it'll be free (9:20) Yeah, put it up on the main feed. Yeah, and (9:22) And the goal there is is not to create some sort of exclusionary wall or anything like that (9:27) But just to provide more content to the people who want more content (9:31) The other side of this is that this is not designed to be a passive thing, right? (9:37) You know the goal of the podcast the goal of the guide the goal of the galaxy is to have people involved (9:42) With the thesis right for people to get good because there is a joyfulness in that practice (9:47) And then there is a huge utility right being good at stuff. I mean that that sounds kind of (9:52) Absurd to say out loud, but like there is a huge utility to being merely good at things (10:00) Absolutely, well my friend I think that's gonna do it for us here.Absolutely. Appreciate you (10:05) Thank you so much for joining us appreciate the time as always and we will see you in the outro (10:19) Well, gee, thanks everybody. We're so grateful that you took the time with this the inaugural episode of the get good guide podcast (10:26) Get good greetings as it's called (10:30) If you want a little bit more (10:31) You don't even have to go over to the patreon because this particular companion episode will be up in the main feed (10:36) But in the future if you'd like to more than double your content by all means, we'd love to have you (10:40) That's over at (10:43) Slash get good guide and of course the center of the get good galaxy is there at get good dot guide (10:50) Go ahead and go over there download the guide for free (10:52) Maybe sign up for the newsletter check out a blog post or even just a transcript of an episode. We'd love to have you (10:57) Thank you for taking the time and as always I'm Erick that's Nick we're the Get Good Guys and this is the Get Good Guide


Phase 1.1 - The Story You Tell Yourself