Phase 1.2 - Good is Good

We're talking good is good, a statistical mindset, measures of central tendency, normal distribution, standard deviation You'll pay for the whole seat, but you only need the edge. All this and more after the break Welcome back all you talented humans. We're talking good is good.

It's a mindset. I'm Nick That's Eric with good good guys, and this is a good good guy Good is good Being good is a blast. It sure is.

Being good is a blast. It sure is. I always am unsure if we say anything to welcome people back from this part Well, it's the end of the theme song.

I think maybe you're welcome, right? You're welcome. Yeah, Riley has fired out that theme song for us. We appreciate it.

Yeah. Yeah Yeah, we're grooving and you've got a nice some funk horns in there. Get a little funk horn flair.

Yeah They're courageous if I had to put a word to it. If I had one word to describe the funk horns. I think we will have to make a note possibly to make an episode about our call and response with with the with our talented specialist and His his willingness to deal with our Insane asks.

Absurd, I think less than. Yeah, interesting is how I'll put it, right? Yeah, it was a process. It was a process and Yeah, but we're back and we're in it and we're loving it and we're having a great time.

We are. We are. We're signaling to the editors.

Yeah We're talking good is good. Recognizing why being good is a blast, right? Beginning to recognize this. Yeah, and this is this early in the guide, right? Second unit.

Yep. you've had a pretty honest and maybe even brutally honest time of self-reflection and Preparation to head on to this journey and before we get into that journey We want to think not just about okay. What is the story? I've been telling myself like we were in the previous unit But what am I trying to achieve here? Not not in a hyper specific sort of way We'll do that in coming units, but really kind of sell out to this mindset.

Yes idea of it's not about being great That's a trap. It's about being good and being good is where joy happens. It's where Capacity happens.

It's where efficiency lives. Sure, and there's some really compelling stuff. I mean the the opening Yeah, it's a bit of a bit.

It's a bit of a joke, but But these are like provable Mathematical realities. Well, naturally the interesting piece and we talk about this often right about how how mathematical this this is right, how true this is mathematically and how provable and How difficult it is for us to believe that this is true as human beings in general, right? Yeah, well, and there's there's cultural factors there for sure And there's I think I'd be interested to know if you took this concept to like a six-year-old Sure, who maybe has spent less time being told certain, you know Been offered that who has been offered less conventional wisdom. Yeah, they have less human experience under their belt Right, and I think it would be kind of an intuitive thing Right the entire unit begins with an analysis of a normal distribution.

Sure. Some people refer to it as a bell curve and and if you haven't seen one, you know, that's Wild to me that you've not seen It's a bit. It's a bell shape and With the y-axis sort of signifying the amount of a population sure and and the x-axis Signifying this sort of distribution of that population So typically left is is like less or less skilled and right is more or more school Sure, and so if you take something simple like heights of humans, right? right and then you you put the Shortest possible sort of adult human on the left and they might even be you know, a little person.

They're experiencing dwarfism I need to take the tallest person the problem on the right again Also experiencing giantism or pituitary overload, etc, or they're just extraordinarily tall. Sure, right possible Right, very very possible six. Yeah, I Actually have a personal friend who's both of his parents are North of six four and he's north of seven.

Yeah, right and just it's just a big guy Yeah, and that's gonna be gone so far to the right as to be what you know A term that will get bandied about is outlier Sure is a Misused term right an outlier is someone who theoretically exists outside the normal distribution, right? Yeah, and and for human heights seven foot one is not it's not an outlier. It's not how it exists It exists it exists now eight foot eleven could be said to be an outlier because there's only one person No, they existed. Sure.

They're known to have existed but they exist outside of any current accident Distribution the center portion of a normal distribution will account for about sixty eight to seventy percent of the population Sure that the sort of within like the standard deviation like one standard of each on either side, correct? Right on either side of that center average and I know we we used it the the measures of central tendency, right? So mean median mode The average will give you that central point the median will be the same as the average right in a normal distribution And so what's really interesting about that normal distribution is what happens when you say what is good? Sure. Yeah, exactly. We define the term good Statistically, yeah, especially.

Yeah, exactly, right and it'll be interesting to discover a little bit how we define it maybe versus how people Without hearing this might say oh, I think good is this right? And I think there will be a disconnect from time to time and that's partially what we're trying to with this unit trying to bring light to about Where is that amount of population really lives and we keep using the term population because that's kind of a it's a statistical analytical term Could be a sample set right? Right. So when we talk population, we could be talking about literal population Yeah, people could be a sample set. So if you say There's X number of pieces of artwork Sure in the world and if I put them on a bell curve and then had people sort of analyze What they felt was great or great or whatever you would see this distribution and it's wild the first time you encounter this it It feels wrong Sure And and I will only speak for myself the thing that felt the most wrong about it was How quickly you surpassed 80% of the population, right? Right or the sample set? It seems like it should take more work than it does and take longer and and you should have to be better than you are To do it, right, you know and to give it simplest possible terms Being better than 80% of the population means that if there are five people in a room You're probably the best right? Right if you're ten people in a room, there's two probably top two Mm-hmm, that's gets kind of zany right if you start to think of it in another term Let's say you're part of a large organization Sure So you work for a company which I think in the United States the definition of a small Of a small business anyone with 50 employers or fewer.

I think that's pretty close, right? And so you're talking about in that population you'd be in the top ten performers. Mm-hmm in a small business Sure, and that's that's really interesting. Yeah, right So we've we've used the term a couple times standard deviation.

Sure What how does that kind of fit into this normal distribution in the bell curve? What I think as far as this idea is concerned with with being good right we we talked about it being Two standard deviations from the mean right is is past good is is great essentially decided Yeah, yeah, two to three is where you get that one percent. Yeah, correct, correct So we're talking about only one one deviation for the mean, that's it, right? That's it And being able to sit there in that in that realm Is so much easier than we expect and getting used to finding yourself these being able to view these Population sets as we call them often is helpful in placing yourself or where you where that should be even and when we think of these deviations they are linear right left and right on the x-axis and As far as audio-medium, this is kind of a weird thing to try to do it I'm just looking at the guide Really clean illustration of this that linear nature of that that is that meaning in other words the same amount of effort or the same amount of time or the same amount of Difference in skill or difference in quality. Sure.

You know, it's the same amount to go from a zero Standard deviation to one standard deviation as it is to go from one to two, right? But the gain is dramatically reduced sure, right when you go right you move when you're at one standard deviation To the right of average you are now better than 80% of the population, right if you put that same effort again, right? You're talking now about being better than roughly 94 ish maybe 93 ish percent population. Sure. We go back to simplest terms.

We say, okay There's ten people in a room if I am one standard deviation better than average I'm in the top two, right? I then have to do twice as much work to be the best Yeah to be one person better than I am now, right to be yeah Yeah, and and and so I was better than eight people now I'm better than nine people, right? That's not a dramatic change, but I had to double up how much effort it took Absolutely, and and I realistically at least double up. Yeah, right at least double up And burritos principle which is you know, we've talked about briefly, but we dig into it in later episodes I should say later units. Yeah.

Sure. Yeah. I mean there's an inefficiency.

Well, yeah and time is the big factor Right, and and that's what you know, we don't really see on Our standard deviation graph if you will, right the account for time is not exactly exactly clear But we know that's the most finite resource, right? the only one that everybody gets the same amount of and it's gonna take a lot more time right to Surpass that next one person or two people or whatever And that's just not really worth it. No most the time. No, right And and you're solidly in the Valley of Despair at that point you're solidly in the greatness trap All right, we'll probably dig in a little bit more here on maybe some personal examples sure over on the patreon But but that's gonna do it for the for the main feed You know The primary thrust obviously is to understand this statistical realities of what we're talking about when we say good is good Right good is good.

It's not average or even as I've heard people say like oh, well, you're only good You must be sort of below average. Sure. It's like no.

Well by definition Well, and we run into this all the time, you know You see this a lot in schooling with letter grades, right? I've like C feeling like failing when C should be you know, well, that's that's a direct result of inflate a great inflation Oh for sure. I'm sure well, yeah But but it's right right and people have a very skewed view of what the standard deviation is in in Really very real-life situations, right? We all have this kind of preconceived notion about what the standard deviation looks like Even if we feel like we know what it is, right? Well friends. Thank you again.

Appreciate you for taking the time And we will see you in the oven Well, thank you so much friends in the get good gang If you want to head on over to the website, you can find it at get good guide We can download the guide itself. And if you're so inclined or want a little bit more We would encourage you to check out the patreon Slash get good guide and find yourself a little bit of that sweet sweet get good gold If you want a little bit for free Why don't you stick around after these ads and get a little nugget as always? I'm Eric That's Nick where they get good guys. And this is the get good guy Oh You Statistical slow it down.

It's a kind of a staccato staccato staccato Legato

Transcribed by


Pareto Principle - January 24, 2024


Phase 1.1 - The Story You Tell Yourself